Factos divertidos
Thinking big and looking forward has always been a part of what makes Santa Clara unique. Discover some fun facts about Santa Clara’s history

Best Of Bay Area Athletes
Known around the world for our renowned sports facilities has led to a number of influential athletes. Learn about some famous Bay Area residents!
Make the Move Living in Santa Clara
Ready to make the move to Santa Clara? Here’s 9 things you should know:

Santa Clara was given its name from the Mission Santa Clara de Asis, one of the many missions that the Spanish created during their rule in California. Although the mission was founded in 1777, the city was not officially incorporated until 1852, about two years after California received statehood. The city is part of the San Jose metropolitan area which is contiguous with the San Francisco metropolitan area, making Santa Clara a component of one of the most heavily populated areas in the United States.
Santa Clara is located in the center of the Silicon Valley, northwest of San Jose, and 50 minutes southeast of San Francisco. The city is a past winner of the National Civic League’s coveted “All-America City Award”. In addition, the community is home to five Fortune 1000 business headquarters. Headquarters and practice facility for the San Francisco 49ers. Other nearby professional sports team includes NHL’s San José Sharks, MLB’s San Francisco Giants, and NBA’s Golden State Warriors
The Santa Clara Swim Club, with more athletes inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame than any club in the world, has developed 46 Olympians, 34 of them medalists. They have earned 51 Olympic gold medals, 17 Olympic silver medals and 11 Olympic bronze medals. These Olympians include Mark Spitz, Pablo Morales, Claudia Kolb, Don Schollander, Keena Rothhammer, Tom Wilkens and many more outstanding swimmers
What historians believe was the “first true road” in California, The Alameda between Santa Clara and San Jose, was designated by the White House Millennium Council as one of the 50 Community Millennium Trails in California.
O Departamento de Finanças da cidade de Santa Clara foi distinguido com o prémio "Distinguished Budget Presentation Award": The award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, the entity had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity’s budget serves as: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, a communications device.
A Silicon Valley Power é reconhecida como um fornecedor de energia inteligente:A Silicon Valley Power recebeu a designação de Smart Energy Provider (SEP) da American Public Power Association (APPA) por demonstrar um compromisso e proficiência em eficiência energética, produção distribuída e iniciativas ambientais que apoiam o objetivo de fornecer um serviço elétrico seguro, fiável, de baixo custo e sustentável.
2021 Prémio Projeto do Ano da Associação Americana de Obras Públicas para a categoria Ambiente/Parques:The Reed & Grant Sports Park Project was awarded with the Project of the Year Award for the Environment/Parks (>$25M) Category from the American Public Works Association Silicon Valley Chapter.
Prémio 2021 de Excelência em Práticas de Tecnologias da Informação da Associação Municipal de Sistemas de Informação da Califórnia (MISAC):O prémio MISAC reconhece a cidade por implementar práticas de tecnologia da informação que se destacam na utilização criativa e eficiente dos recursos da administração local. O prémio significa que a cidade cumpriu ou excedeu as normas MISAC nas áreas tecnológicas de Orçamento e Planeamento Estratégico, Compras, Operações e Pessoal, Satisfação do Cliente, Internet, Gestão de Projectos, Desenvolvimento e Formação Profissional, Preparação e Recuperação de Catástrofes, Políticas e Procedimentos, Segurança e SIG.